
CODE FINDER INDEX - Find policies by topic using the code finder.

Section A-Foundations & Basic Commitments

Section B-Board Governance & Operations

Section C-General Administration

Section D-Fiscal Management

Section E-Support Services

EB—Safety Program
EB-R--Respiratory Protection Program
EB-R1--Safety Procedure and Administrative Procedure
EB-R2--Safety Committee Mission Statement
EBAA--Chemical Hazards
EBAA-R1--Chemical Hygiene Plan
EBAA-R2--Employee Chemical Education and Training Record
EBAA-R3--Record of Trainings Received
EBCA--Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
EBCA-R1--School Evacuation Procedures
EBCA-R2--School Lockdown Procedures
EBC-Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
EBCC—Attach Bomb Threat Management Form
EBCC--Bomb Threats
EBCC-R1--Bomb Threat Procedures
EBCF - Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
ECB-Pest Management
ECB-R-Custodial/Maintenance Services Administrative Regulation
ECC -- Pest Management in School Facilities and on School Grounds
ECC-E1 -- Pest Management Notification
ECC_E2 -- Notice of Planned Pesticide Application
EEA—Student Transportation Services
EEAEAA—Drug and Alcohol Testing of Drivers
EEAEAA-R—Drug and Alcohol Testing of Bus Drivers Administrative Regulation
EEAEF - Video Camera Use on School Vehicles
EEAEF-R - Video Camera Use on School Vehicles Administrative Procedure
EEAF-R - Charter/Trip Regulations
EEBB -- Use of Private Vehicles on School Business
EEBB-R -- Use of Private Vehicles on School Business Administrative Regulation
EEBB-R2 -- Use of Private Vehicles on School Business Permit Authorization Form
EFCA - Menu Development/Options - Offer Vs. Serve
EFE—Restriction on Sale of Foods
EGAD -- Copyright Compliance
EGAD-R -- Copyright Compliance - Guidelines

FE- Approval of School Property Construction

Section G-Personnel

Section H-Negotiations

Section I-Instruction

ID -- School Day
IFF-Remote Instruction Policy
IGA—Curriculum Development and Adoption
IHBA—Individual Education Plans
IHBAA—Referral and Use of Interventions
IHBAA-R—Referral/Pre-Referral Administrative Regulation
IHBAC -- Child Find
IHBAL—Grievance Procedure for Persons with Disabilities
IHBEA—LAU Plan - Program for Limited English Proficient Students
IHBEA-R - LAU Plan- Program for Limited English Proficient Students
IHBEA-R1 - English Learner Identification Decision Tree
IHBG—Home Schooling
IHBGA-Home Schooling-Participation in School Programs
IJJ—Instructional and Library-Media Materials Selection
IJJ-E—Challenge of Instructional Materials Form
IJNDB—Student Computer and Internet Use
IJNDB-R—Student Computer and Internet Use Rules
IJNDB-E—Student Computer and Internet Use Acknowledgement Form
IJNDC—School System Web Site and Web Pages
IJNDC-R -- Web Site Guidelines
IJNDC-E -- Agreement to Publish Student Information on the Dayton School Department Web Site
IJNDC-E1 -- Parent/Guardian Agreement Form to Publish Student Information on the Dayton School Department Web Site
IJOC--School Volunteers
IJOC-R--School Volunteers Administrative Procedure
IJOC-E - Volunteer Agreement Form & Authority to Release Information
IK -- Student Achievement/Evaluation of Student Proficiency
IKAB - Grading System-Reporting Student Proficiency
IKB -- Homework
IKE—Promotion, Retention and Acceleration of Students
IL - Evaluation of Instructional Programs
ILA-Student Assessment/Local Assessment System
ILD-Educational Research: Student Submission to Survey's
IMBB-Exemption from Required Instruction
IMG -- Animals in School
IMGA -- Service Animals in Schools
IMGB -- Therapy Dogs in Schools

Section J-Students

JEA—Compulsory Attendance
JEAA—Student Attendance-Tardiness-Absences
JFAB - Admission of Non-Resident Students
JFABD -- Admission of Homeless Students
JFABD-R -- Homeless Student Appeal Process, McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution Process
JFABD-R1 - Maine Homeless Education State Level Dispute Resolution Process
JFCK--Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices
JFCK-R--Rules for Student Use of Cellular Telephones and Other Electronic Devices
JGABB—Assignment of Students to Classes Parental Input
JICA—Student Dress
JIC-Student Conduct
JICH—Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
JICIA—Weapons and Violence Safety
JICK—Bullying and Cyberbullying
JICK-R—Bullying-Administrative Procedure
JICK-E1—Bullying Investigation Form
JJE—Fund-Raising in Schools
JJE-R-- Fund Raising Guidelines
JJIAA--Private School Students - Access to Public School Co-curricular, Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities
JJIAA-E1-- Private School Student Application-Cocurricular
JJIAA-E3—Verification of Private School Student Eligibility - Co-curricular
JJIAA-E4—Verification of Private School Student Eligibility - Extra-Curricular Activities
JJIF-E--Concussion Information Sheet
JJIF-R--Academic Expectations During Post Concussion Recovery
JK—Student Discipline
JKAA—Use of Physical Restraint
JKAA-R—Procedures on Physical Restraint
JKD—Suspension of Students
JKE—Expulsion of Students
JKE-R—Expulsion Guidelines
JKF—Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities
JKF-R-Disciplinary Removal of Students with Disabilities Administrative Procedure
JKG--Physical Restraint
JL-Student Wellness
JL-R-- Nutrition Program Guidelines
JLCB—Immunization of Students
JLC - Student Health Services
JLCC—Communicable Infectious Diseases
JLCD—Administration of Medication to Students
JLCDA -- Medical Marijuana in Schools
JLCDB - Naloxone Policy
JLDBG-Reintegration of Students from Juvenile Correctional Facilities
JLCE - First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
JLCE-R - First Aid Administrative Procedure
JLCF—Automated External Defibrillator
JLF—Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
JLF-E—Suspected Child Abuse/Neglect Report Form
JLF-R -- Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Administrative Procedure
JLI - Procedure For Reports of Dangerous Behavior by Students
JLI-E - Report of Dangerous Behavior by Student Directed Against School Staff
JLIB - Student Dismissal Precautions
JLIF--Suicide Awareness Program
JRA—Student Education Records and Information
JRA-R—Student Information Records Administrative Procedure

Section K-School, Community, and Home Relations